Friday, March 4, 2011

Hold your breath ... now just keep holding it .....

Longtime friends had us over last weekend so that we could eat way too much and watch grown men roll around on the floor .... anyone else watch UFC #127 on Saturday?

Anyhoo - the blog came up and the question was dropped; will Mark ever make any posts?!?!?!?

To my surprise his answer was, "I should!" 

I have asked Brodi and Bailey to stage a hunger-protest until Mark actually does post something.  They seem committed to this project and have promised to participate ... right after their 4th nap of the day.  What else should I do?  Start a petition?  Take his TV remote hostage?  Should I threaten to hold my breath?  I suppose I can just wait for the dogs ....
Although, this isn't looking good for me - they're totally not moving...