Tuesday, January 24, 2012

4 Months of ... FUN

Nolan is 4 months old now.  Not sure how THAT happened so quickly .... I might have to protest!

Our lil' baby has measured in the 50% for height and weight since he was born.  But all of that has come to a crashing end.  Last week he measured 50% again for weight and then 90% for height.  Yup folks - you heard it hear first.  Nolan is going to be TALL and SKINNY like his Uncles!

In light of this new development Mark and I have started a savings account just for big-ol' shoes!

"Hello Mama  - I'm gonna have BIG feet!"

Friday, January 6, 2012

Baby's First Christmas

Everywhere we went in December people would say, "Oh how exciting!  Baby's first Christmas!"  And we kept responding, "Yes, it's going to be great!" 

We set-up a little tree in his nursery.

But let's be honest about what this holiday was really like at our house as we celebrated Nolan's first Christmas:
He fell asleep in the car on the way to get the tree....
He slept while we picked out the tree ......

He slept while we decorated the tree ......

He slept while we hung outside lights ....

Oh wait .... he was awake (briefly) on Christmas morning!

Yay!  A present just for baby!