Wednesday, March 2, 2011

David offers words of advice ... to David!

I've been in my current job for almost 5 years.  It's a great job and I am blessed to have it.  However, there are days when I would like to run screaming from the building.  And remember - I have a really great job!  So I can only imagine that for my father starting a new job, with new supervisors and new employees, in a foreign country ..... well, it must feel like a daunting situation.  I'm not wise enough to offer appropriate words of encouragement in this area.  So I have turned to my friend David - yeah, I'm totally on a first-name basis with King David!  The man was a devoted servant of God, a warrior, a husband and a poet.  And David didn't always have it easy and he didn't always do the right thing.  But he always had a way with words:

“Then David continued, ‘Be strong and courageous and do the work.  Don’t be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God, is with you.  He will not fail you or forsake you.  He will see to it that all the work (related to the temple of the Lord) is finished correctly.’ “
-        1 Chronicles 28:20

For me this means that every day we have to do the work, no matter how hard the task before us might seem.  God will help you with your work.  God will help you complete the task.  Any task.  So I'll keep working and y'all out there keep working too and together, with help from the Lord, all of our work will be finished correctly!  Or at least yours will.  Mine is usually a hot-mess of spreadsheets, white-out and notebooks with cookie crumbs smashed in between the pages...