Ray Romano had a quote about this - something about how children are small terrorists and if you don't believe him just wait until YOU have some and they break YOU with sleep deprivation!
8:00 - Nolan wakes up all smiles and we have a full bottle. We talk and stretch and cuddle in Mama's bed before a diaper change.
8:45 - We head to the living room for time on his playmat. We do back for some hand-eye coordination and then tummy time for those crawling skills.
9:15 - We sing songs and pull different toys out of the basket until Nolan gets fussy.
9:45 - Diaper change and time for another full bottle. Kiddo might be a competitive eater when he grows up .....
10:20 - Nolan is swaddled, sleepy and ready for a nap so Mama puts him in the crib.
10:25 - Fully awake and crying ... Mama gives him a pacifier and turns on the mobile.
10:28 - Mobile stops - DAMMIT!
10:29 - Mobile is going again and Nolan looks sleepy.
10:32 - Mobile stops, but Nolan is content and starts talking to himself.
10:55 - Tired of talking to himself, Nolan hollers at Mama until she brings him the pacifier. He still looks sleepy, so she shushes him for a few minutes in a final attempt at a morning nap.
11:05 - Nolan screams bloody murder because he has spit out the pacifier, but Mama can tell from the video monitor that he is "searching" for it with his tongue in between screams. She runs back down the hall, trips over her dumbest dog, and pops the pacifier back in.
11:10 - Nolan is sound asleep.
11:18 - The neighbor gets a delivery from UPS causing both dogs to BARK their brains out at the front window. Our terrorist is awake again.
11:20 - Nolan and Mama sit back down for another full bottle. He promptly fall asleep, but then plays the "don't take my bottle" game.
11:35 - Nolan hasn't taken a sip in over 5 minutes so Mama really pulls the bottle away. He responds by spitting an entire mouthful of milk down into his multiple neck creases, his clean pajamas and the clean swaddle. Then falls into a full-on milk-coma.
11:40 - Mama slienty cries on the inside while trying to decide if she should wake the baby to change his clothes, or risk a CPS-call by putting him back into the crib with a really wet collar.
11:41 - Wet, sleeping baby is placed in crib, with his new stuffed doggy, and Mama flees the room.
12:00 - Baby wakes up crying and wants his pacifier, Mama runs down the hall to shove it back in.
12:20 - Baby wakes us SCREAMING and Mama briefly considers having a martini for lunch.
12:25 - World's happiest baby is in the Bjorn, helping Mama in the kitchen, smiling because knows that he has won another major victory in his fight against naps and all things sleep-related.